Husband Has Secret PO BOX

Question Sent in by Jocelyn – I just found out that my husband has a secret po box. I found the receipt for it in his pants pocket and checked his key chain and sure enough he has a post office key on his keychain. I don’t know what it means but I have heard that hiding a po box is a cheating sign? I want to ask him about it but if he is being unfaithful I don’t want to alert him that I suspect anything. He has lied in the past and I just want to know for sure without him hiding an affair from me? Do you think him having a secret po box means he is having an affair?

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How Do I Confront My Cheating Husband?

Question Sent in by Mari – How Do I Confront My Cheating Husband?

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I recently discovered my husband of seven years has been cheating on me. He has been acting suspicious the past two months, coming home late, making excuses to leave the house and saying he’s hanging out with an old friend from college. Finally, after he seemed to start a fight for no reason, and left the house I decided I’d had enough. I logged in to his laptop and searched through his files. After searching for jpeg and video files I found a secret stash of semi-nude pictures from a lady he works with. I’m heartbroken!! I need to know if he is really having an affair, I mean the nude pics definitely say something is going on but I need to know the full truth. The pictures looked like the lady was some sort of stripper with a pole and lingerie with some topless shots.  I’m not even 100% sure if he’s cheated that’s why I need help confronting him and learning the truth! I need to confront him, but I don’t want the kids subjected to yelling and fighting. I guess I should drop the kids off with a relative and make sure I confront him in a public place. I just don’t know!! I’m also worried that he will runoff and leave us without any support. I haven’t worked in many years now and I barely have anything in my savings account. That’s another issue though…

Can you please give me advice about what’s the best way to confront him and learn if he is really having an affair?

Cheating Miner Offered $100,000 to become a Spokesperson for Infidelity

According to recent rumors the Chilean cheating miner who emerged days ago to be welcomed into the arms of his mistress was just offered a huge contract. Seems that the cheating husband was offered $100,000 to become a spokesperson for an infidelity agency. The wife of the miner has previously refused to welcome his return to the surface after she had discovered the miner had a mistress of ten years.

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The controversial cheating husband online dating website, is rumored to have offered the miner Yonni Barrios the money to be their Spanish speaking spokesperson. According to the report in order to qualify, Barrios would have to remain married to his wife. He would also be required to make TV and public appearances in North, South, and Central America. There’s currently no word on whether the Chilean miner will accept the endorsement deal. The cheating website AshleyMadison claims that 17% of their members are Spanish speaking.

It certainly is a disgusting prospect to imagine that this miner will profit from his cheating ways and especially at the expense of his wife. Click this link for more on the story of the cheating Chilean miner.

Chilean Miner Has Mistress

Yonni Barrios, one of the trapped Chilean miners emerged from the mine to quite a cheating drama. Turns out he may be involved with as many as four different woman. According to news reports Yonni has been married for 28 years to his current wife.

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As the drama of the trapped miners unfolded the wife soon realized that there was also a mistress of 10 years eagerly waiting for news of Yonni’s return. When the wife realized her husband had been unfaithful she decided to boycott the vigil. As Yonni emerged from the mine he was greeted by his mistress.

What’s interesting about this cheating mistress drama is the newscasters defense of his cheating ways. Making comments to down-play his actions and making light of the pain the wife by supporting the mistress.

The newscaster said that Yanni and the mistress may be in a committed relationship, and that he is separated from the wife. Although not noting the fact that he is still married!! This type of propaganda against sanctity of marriage can be heard further when she says  that he’s a remarkable hero.

I feel quite sorry for the wife of this man and hope she can get closure and move on with her life as soon as possible.

So what do you think? Was the newscaster wrong in what she said? More importantly should the wife have been there for her husband when he emerged even though he cheated?

Cheryl Cole Gets Back at Cheating Husband

cheryl cole Divorced British pop star Cheryl Cole got back at her cheating husband by releasing a new album called ‘Messy Little Raindrops’, which supposedly contains a song, Happy Tears, that angrily attacks her former husbands cheating ways.

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The song takes aim at her husband Ashley who is a Chelsea footballer. Some of the lyrics include, ‘I cried when I heard you were cheatin’/I cried when I said I was leavin’/I cried when my heart stopped believin’/But I’m all out of tears.’

In addition the song purportedly includes lyrics like this… ‘Slashing his tires, burning his suits, knocking back apologies, blocking calls and selling all her diamonds.”

Happy Tears details the sad exploits of her crying for joy upon leaving her cheating husband who was caught cheating a number of times during their brief marriage together.

Cheryl is expected to perform the song on The X Factor on October 24.

Wife Who Burned Husbands Penis Killing Him Convicted of Manslaughter

In Australia a wife who burned her husbands penis was found convicted of the lesser crime of manslaughter. The Supreme Court jury found that killer Rajini Narayan was not guilty, by majority verdict, of murder, instead claiming she deserved the punishment of manslaughter.

Her husband named Satish was confronted about an affair in their home in December 2008. During the confrontation the wife threw gasoline on the husband and lit him on fire. The husband suffered in the hospital before eventually passing away 20 days later.

According to court records Narayan had intended to only burn the tip of her husbands penis. She further claimed that the burning was motivated by two decades of beatings from her husband and the affair.

During her trial she said, “”I did not like to be beaten I told myself I had to be better, I have to try harder,” she also remarked that, “I deserved it because, in my mind, I was not the perfect wife for my perfect husband… I idolized him, he was my hero.”

Asked at what time she came up with the idea to burn her husband she said…

“A bizarre idea came to me… I would use a candle to burn the tip of his penis.”

She denied wanting to purposefully injure her husband, rather she said she, “snapped” when he called her a “fat, dumb bitch”.

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