Tag Archives: husband getting calls

Affair Signs – Husband Getting Calls From Unknown Phone Numbers

If your husband is getting calls from unknown phone numbers it may be an affair sign. Depending on the current state of the relationship you have with your husband the first thing you want to do is get the phone number. You can get the phone number by looking and going through his cell phone, or checking his cell phone bill. The reason you want the number first is in case you confront him about the calls and he denies it and erases the number from his call log. This way you’ll have the number to check out later.

After you’ve got the number you’ll want to simply ask your husband who he is talking to. Many women make the mistake of wondering and fretting about this situation once they discover the truth. If you believe him, drop it and move on. If It’s at this point that many women choose to either talk or walk depending on his response. If he is upfront about cheating then it makes it much easier for you to make up your mind. If he’s cheating you’ll most likely want to consult an attorney to find out how to proceed from there.

However the majority of the time it’s not so easy to learn the truth about his cheating. You must determine your husbands level of truthfulness for you to know what to do next. If you detect any unfaithfulness or have reason to believe he is lying to you there are several things you can do.

You can find out who the phone number belongs to by conducting a reverse phone lookup. With a phone lookup service you can find out who the other potential girlfriend is so you have more evidence of his indiscretion for confronting him after you have acquired more evidence.

For more signs of a cheating spouse click here.